Home & Hearth Caregivers Offers Free In-Home Assessment

Author: Home & Hearth Caregivers
Categories: Elderly Care

    Company : Home & Hearth Caregivers,
    Contact Name : Susan Oja,
    Phone : 708-352-4663,
    Email : ...,

    Home & Health Caregivers is proud to announce they offer free in-home assessments for seniors and their families.

    Countryside, Illinois: Home & Health Caregivers is proud to announce they offer free in-home assessments for seniors and their families. There’s no question home health services can help improve a senior’s life, helping them remain in their home, while getting the assistance needed with day-to-day tasks.

    Deciding to invest in home health services is a big one, which is why a free, in-home assessment can be so beneficial. Not only does the senior and their family get to meet the home health professional, but the professional can also assess the home, as well as the senior’s need to create a customized care plan. This initial meeting is extremely valuable for the senior, their family, and the home health care professional.

    Their primary focus is on making it easier for seniors to get the assistance they need while aging in place. They understand how important it is for some seniors to remain in the comfort of their homes and want to make it more likely they can do so without placing extra pressure on family members to help with their care.

    Scheduling a free in-home assessment is simple and can be done from the Home & Hearth Caregivers website. More information about the services offered can also be found at the website or by calling 800-349-0663.

    About Home & Hearth Caregivers: Home & Hearth Caregivers is made up of a team of trained and professional in-home workers who are dedicated to helping make clients’ lives easier. These services are comprehensive and can be customized to each person’s individual needs.

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