Ageless Wellness Center Introduces a Customized Weight Loss Program

Author: Ageless Wellness Center
Categories: Health and Medical

    Company : Ageless Wellness Center,
    Contact Name : customized weight loss program,
    Phone : 678-364-8414,
    Email :,

    Ageless Wellness Center is pleased to announce that they now offer a customized weight loss program to help individuals achieve their goals.

    Peachtree City, Georgia, May 21, 2023: Ageless Wellness Center is pleased to announce that they now offer a customized weight loss program to help individuals achieve their goals. The new program uses compounded Semaglutide and compounded Tirzepatide, two FDA-approved medications proven to help reach a sustainable weight. These medications are combined with a customized diet program to achieve maximum results.

    Ageless Wellness Center works with each individual to determine which weight loss program will help them achieve their weight target. For many patients, using Semaglutide and Tirzepatide will mimic the effects of the GLP-1 hormone, a naturally occurring hormone responsible for regulating appetite and food intake. The hormone slows digestion and increases insulin production to reduce blood sugar levels. Patients using these medications feel fuller and are less hungry, reducing food intake and dropping pounds. Patients can also see improved blood sugar control, reducing the risk of developing diabetes.

    Patients taking this combination of FDA-approved medications and following their customized diet program will gradually increase their dosage until they reach the target dose around 20 weeks into the program. Many patients lose one to three pounds per week during this dosage increase period. The medical professionals at Ageless Wellness Center monitor each patient closely to determine if this treatment plan is the best option.

    Anyone interested in learning about the new customized weight loss program can find out more by visiting the Ageless Wellness Center website or calling 1-678-364-8414.

    About Ageless Wellness Center: Ageless Wellness Center is a functional medicine and aesthetic services clinic to help patients achieve their goals. They work closely with each patient to recommend the most appropriate treatments to improve their appearance and help them feel more confident. They take a personalized holistic approach to caring for patients to ensure the best results.

    Pres Release Contact :
    Company: Ageless Wellness Center
    Address: 1000 Commerce Drive #300
    City: Peachtree City
    State: GA
    Zip code: 30269
    Telephone number: 1-678-364-8414
    Fax number: 1-678-545-0146

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