Phineas Gray

Winter is the Right Time for Whitening!

The winter in Sydney is cold only by Australian standards, but this city is geared towards the beach. In the absence of a good warm afternoon, many of us are left wondering what to do with ourselves when the mercury drops.But winter is a time of renewal, and many...

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Smoking and Dental Health

At KB Village Dental, we have your best interests at heart. Our passion is a beautiful smile, and we are experts in the creation, and the preservation, of your teeth.In recent years, research in to the dangers of smoking have made it readily apparent that this habit...

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Boat Syndicates for the Australian Winter

As we slide in to the cooler weather, it is important for New South Wales sailors to remind themselves of just how lucky they are. The climate here is amenable enough to be cruised year-round, although based on how many people head for the land each winter, you...

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