Phineas Gray

The Showrooms

At Oxford Bathrooms, providing a real-world example of how our bathrooms come together is vital to showing off our workmanship. But how can we go about this?By investing in a pair of showrooms, in Brookvale and Thornleigh, we are able to provide a place where our...

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Al Fresco at Noosa Boathouse

Oddly enough, the term 'al fresco' has evolved away from referring to dining outside in the Italian language. Nowadays, it is more likely to refer to spending time in prison. In Australia, however, al fresco dining still means the casual, party-like atmosphere of...

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The Root Canal Advantage

In dentistry, old reputations die hard. This practice has been around for hundreds of years, but still the notion of certain procedures passes down intimidation to contemporary clients. Our parents, or our grandparents, are likely to blame. They may have shuddered...

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