Biomechanical Assessments for Geared Solutions

Author: Adept Podiatry
Categories: Health and Medical

    Company : Adept Podiatry,
    Contact Name : Pete Moate,
    Phone : 03 9882 8184,
    Email : .,

    Podiatry can broadly be separated in to two areas: General treatments that pertain to conditions of the skin and nails of the foot, and those related more so to its mechanical efficiency.

    Podiatry can broadly be separated in to two areas: General treatments that pertain to conditions of the skin and nails of the foot, and those related more so to its mechanical efficiency. Typically, if your podiatrist takes note of lower limb pain, including heel pain or arch pain, abnormal shoe wear, and if concerned about your gait, they may perform a thorough biomechanical assessment, to properly diagnose issues with your lower limbs that once corrected can stop the pain at its source.

    In this assessment, your podiatrist looks at the joints, bones and muscular control of your lower body, from your feet to your knees and hips. Your posture, and your walking gait, is watched closely for abnormalities. Muscle strength and tightness is also measured. Issues in these areas have the potential to cause chronic pain over time.

    Luckily, once properly diagnosed, treatment with foot orthotics can be prescribed. These devices are bespoke, and are created to treat specific biomechanical anomalies. The help compensate for, or limit abnormal motion, and over time even have the ability to correct bad habits that may have caused an issue.

    Often, among sufferers of foot pain, their walking gait has become normalised to the point that they are unaware that they are experiencing a problem. It can require the practiced eye of a professional, such as Dr. Peter Moate at Adept Podiatry, to diagnose the problem. But through biomechanical assessments from a qualified professional, you may find a long-term solution to your foot or lower limb pain.

    Company : Adept Podiatry
    Contact : Pete Moate
    Address : 6-8 Prospect Hill Road, Camberwell, VIC 3124
    Phone : 03 9882 8184
    Website :

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