Caffarelli & Associates Ltd. Offers Employment Law Services

Author: Caffarelli & Associates Ltd.
Categories: Legal

    Company : Caffarelli & Associates Ltd.,
    Contact Name : Alejandro Caffarelli,
    Phone : 1-312-763-6880,
    Email : ....,

    Schiaparelli & Associates Ltd. is pleased to announce they offer employment law services to help individuals navigate these often complex situations.

    Chicago, Illinois : Caffarelli & Associates Ltd. is pleased to announce they offer employment law services to help individuals navigate these often complex situations. They fight for employees’ rights to ensure they work in the best environment possible.

    The professional team at Caffarelli & Associates Ltd. offers employment law representation for cases that include discrimination, sexual harassment, consumer actions, whistleblower actions, family medical leave, wage and hour violations and more. Their team is dedicated to helping employees go against wrongdoing by their employer to ensure they get the compensation they deserve without negative repercussions from their employer. Dealing with employment law cases can be challenging, and the law team takes pride in giving employees confidence to right any wrongs.

    The lawyers at Caffarelli & Associates Ltd. have handled cases for employees on all levels of the workforce, from executives in Fortune 500 companies to employees making less than minimum wage. Their team works closely with their clients to give them the representation they deserve.

    Anyone interested in learning about the employment law representation available can find out more by visiting the Caffarelli & Associates Ltd. website or by calling 1-312-763-6880.

    About Caffarelli & Associates Ltd.: Caffarelli & Associates Ltd. is a full-service law firm that specializes in employment law issues. They take great pride in providing reliable representation for their clients as they go against their employer. They understand the complexities of these cases and ensure their clients get the assistance they need for a successful outcome.

    Company: Caffarelli & Associates Ltd.
    Address: 224 S. Michigan Ave, Ste. 300
    City: Chicago
    State: IL
    Zip code: 60604
    Telephone numbers: 1-312-763-6880

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