Caffarelli & Associates Provides Help in Employment Disputes

Author: Caffarelli & Associates
Categories: Legal

    Company : Caffarelli & Associates,
    Contact Name : Alejandro Caffarelli,
    Phone : 312-763-6880,
    Email :,

    Caffarelli & Associates is a Chicago-based law firm that assists with employment disputes and consumer protection cases.

    Chicago, Illinois: Caffarelli & Associates is pleased to announce they can assist with a variety of employment disputes. Their services extend to help with minimum wage and overtime claims, unpaid commissions, sexual harassment, NDAs, employment contracts, and more.

    Employment issues can be a difficult type of case because an individual’s job could be at stake. Fortunately, the professional team at Caffarelli & Associates is ready to help individuals navigate their cases without suffering from negative repercussions from their employers. They provide representation for all employees at companies and have taken on cases for everyone, from executives in Fortune 500 companies to middle management to entry-level workers. They take great pride in handling every case with the same level of dedication and professionalism to help individuals get the results they deserve.

    Regardless of the type of employment dispute, they can help individuals get to the bottom of their cases and take the most appropriate action. They can also provide representation in class action suits if the situation warrants.

    Anyone interested in learning about the assistance available for employment disputes can find out more by visiting the Caffarelli & Associates website or by calling 1-312-763-6880.

    About Caffarelli & Associates: Caffarelli & Associates is a Chicago-based law firm that assists with employment disputes and consumer protection cases. Their professional team handles cases for individuals on all levels of a company, allowing everyone to get the justice they deserve. They can represent individuals and class action suits and may even offer contingency-based representation in certain situations.

    Company: Caffarelli & Associates
    Address: 224 South Michigan Ave, Suite 300
    City: Chicago
    State: IL
    Zip code: 60604
    Telephone number: 1-312-763-6880
    Email address:

    Caffarelli & Associates

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