Casner Exterminating to Offer New Electro-Gun Extermination Services

Author: Casner Exterminating
Categories: Business

    Company : Casner Exterminating,
    Contact Name : Wayne Bellville,
    Phone : 800-655-4044,
    Email :,

    Casner Exterminating is pleased to announce the debut of their new electro-gun, which joins the rest of their extermination services and will be made available to clients shortly. The electro-gun is a newer piece of extermination technology that is meant to be more humane and better for the environment. The electro-gun is designed to kill pests through the use of electricity rather than chemicals, unlike the majority of other pesticide methods. It is meant for use in combating the invasion and s

    Castroville, California, May 9, 2018: Casner Exterminating is pleased to announce the debut of their new electro-gun, which joins the rest of their extermination services and will be made available to clients shortly. The electro-gun is a newer piece of extermination technology that is meant to be more humane and better for the environment. The electro-gun is designed to kill pests through the use of electricity rather than chemicals, unlike the majority of other pesticide methods. It is meant for use in combating the invasion and spread of termites.

    The electro-gun is best suited for localized populations of termites within an infestation and will not prove as effective if used to treat an entire house. Despite this limitation, the electro-gun is highly effective. It is specifically capable of getting rid of anywhere from 98 to 100 percent of termites in as little as four weeks. However, Casner will offer a second treatment should the first happen to fail, all at no cost to the client. In addition to the electro-gun, clients should also consider other preventive methods to keep termites from potentially returning.

    The biggest appeal of the electro-gun is its ability to offer highly effective treatment for termite infestations in a way that doesn’t harm the client’s home, their family, and pets or the environment as a whole.

    Anyone interested in trying this form of treatment can get in touch with Casner Exterminating by calling 800-655-4044 or by visiting their website.

    About Casner Exterminating.: Casner Exterminating has been in business for more than three decades. In that span of time, they have built a reputation for themselves as one of the leading pest extermination services in the Castroville area. They pride themselves on their commitment to their client base regarding providing excellent service, as well as the rapport they have built within their community.

    Company: Casner Exterminating
    Address: 11025 Commercial Parkway
    City: Castroville
    State: CA
    Zip code: 95012
    Phone number: 800-655-4044

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