Island Comfort Air Conditioning is pleased to announce they have opened their doors for business. Island Comfort Air Conditioning is a labor of love for Ken Starr and his family. Headquartered on the island of Kauai, the company blossomed shortly after his relocation...
The Cyclone Season
The weather here on the Gold Coast, and throughout the tropics, is driven by the swing of the seasons. The cooler, drier winter months, and the hot, humid summer creates their own distinctive weather patterns, and both are amenable, and have their own proponents. But...
Cliff Insurance Agency Celebrates Companys Transformation and Growth
Cliff Insurance Agency is pleased to announce the agency has a long-standing history of growth and transformation to provide its customers with the best policies and services. The company offers a variety of personal and business insurance options.The company has a...
Platinum Pipefitting Offers ProjectInsight System for Complete Accountability
Platinum Pipefitting is pleased to announce its ProjectInsight System allows for complete accountability on projects from beginning to end. The company specializes in offering high-quality construction and maintenance work for gas plants, pipelines, oilfields, lease...
Dr. Kevin Passer is now a Fellow of the American Society of Addiction Medicine
Kevin M. Passer, M.D. FAPA, FASAM was recently awarded the distinction of Fellow of the American Society of Addiction Medicine. Dr. Passer is also a Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. Medical doctors have various levels of certifications. Most of the...