Celebrating 35 Years Serving Real Estate and Family Law Practitioners

Author: Easysoft Legal Software
Categories: Business

    Company : Easysoft Legal Software,
    Contact Name : Paula Portner,
    Phone : 201-466-1679,
    Email : paula.portner@easysoft-usa.com,

    Easysoft Legal Software is a subsidiary of Leap Legal Software. Easysoft serves the needs of attorneys and legal professionals in family law and real estate practice.

    Founded in 1986, Easysoft Legal Software was created to serve the needs of real estate and family law attorneys and legal professionals who regularly work with complex calculations for their caseload.

    As one of the first companies to recognize the need for software that could alleviate the redundant data entry required for these practice areas, Easysoft has earned the trust of thousands of legal professionals nationwide for compliant, reliable, easy-to-use software.

    The software was originally available on floppy disc, then, over the years, was available on CD for download directly to the attorney’s desktop. Since 2019, Easysoft has been offering web-based software, so attorneys and their staff can work anywhere, anytime.

    Residential closings, divorce cases, and child support cases often require the attorney to run different scenario’s so that clients are aware of costs needed to close and of how the divorce settlement will be handled. That’s where Easysoft’s powerful auto-calculating software excels.

    Software solves complex calculations and reduces errors

    Auto-calculating software can be the key to a profitable and successful real estate practice. When clients start the closing process with one set of numbers, but then during the closing changes occur, either with taxes, down payments or other aspects, the entire CD needs to be recalculated and that’s where time and effort can get derailed, making what should have been an easy and profitable closing into one that becomes time-consuming and costly.

    Easysoft is compliant, reliable, and trusted software. Founded in 1986, Easysoft boasts a long history of serving the needs of attorneys and paralegals who need essential software for their essential needs. The software also includes the ability to export to the attorney ledger, print checks, file 1099s directly from the software and more.

    For family law practitioners, complex calculations are a regular part of the divorce process. From child support worksheets to the Case Information Statement (CIS), it’s important for attorneys and their staff to be able to run scenarios for the divorcing couple. Determining alimony and calculating lifestyle issues are all critical pieces of a divorce settlement. Often, attorneys feel like accountants for the number of calculations that need to be complete, that’s why it’s important to reduce errors by using software that can handle the multiple worksheets and calculations that come with any divorce.

    For family law practices, Easysoft offers the ability for the attorney to share files with their clients through the popular “client intake portal”, where the client can enter their financial information, at their own pace, and then share it with the attorney. This process saves time, reduces errors and helps the attorney automatically add the clients’ information into the software for a faster and easier process.

    Easysoft Legal Software is a subsidiary of Leap Legal Software. Easysoft serves the needs of attorneys and legal professionals in family law and real estate practice.

    If you would like more information about Easysoft Legal Software, or would like to see the product and want to schedule a personal demonstration, please contact Mark Afonso, Product Consultant at 1-800-905-7638 extension 1, or email mark-afonso@easysoft-usa.com or click here to schedule your demonstration around your schedule https://calendly.com/mark-afonso/easysoft-legal-software-demo

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