College Care RX Pharmacy Owner Encourages Working Smart over Working Hard

Author: College Care RX Pharmacy
Categories: Health and Medical

    Company : College Care RX Pharmacy,
    Contact Name : College Care RX Pharmacy,
    Phone : 1-805-642-4135,
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    College Care RX Pharmacy owner, Akshai Patel, understands the value of working smart, not necessarily working hard.

    Ventura, California, September 6, 2015: College Care RX Pharmacy owner, Akshai Patel, understands the value of working smart, not necessarily working hard. He strives to pass this message along to others who may want to establish their own new business.

    Patel took over College Care RX Pharmacy in 2010. He focused on implementing new technology platforms bringing the pharmacy up to current standards. With these new standards, he dedicated his focus on working smart, rather than working himself to the point of exhaustion. While working as hard as possible has its merits, creating the ideal work/life balance is critical to protect a business owner’s mental and physical health and wellbeing. Patel was able to find this balance and still managed to build a number of successful businesses in California.

    Patel summarizes his work ethic by stating, “There are business owners that work 60 hours a week, there are others that work 40 hours a week. Those that choose the long and hard hours may not be as effective as those working 40 hours a week. Just because you work longer hours, doesn’t mean you’re building a better business. Putting the right people in the right positions can help build a strong, profitable business. An overworked owner has little time to build relationships with his customers.”

    He encourages individuals who have the dream of owning their own business to take on this philosophy and strive to grow their business through smart decisions versus working longer hours.

    Anyone interested in learning about his strategy of working smarter, not harder, can find out more by visiting the College Care RX Pharmacy website or by calling 1-805-642-4135.

    About College Care RX Pharmacy: College Care RX Pharmacy is a full-service pharmacy that offers prescriptions, medical equipment and more to satisfy the needs of their customers. The business was built by Akshai Patel, using a philosophy of working smarter, not harder. He encourages anyone who wants to build a business of their own to adopt this strategy to ensure their success.

    Press Contact
    Company: College Care RX Pharmacy
    Address: 90 North Ashwood Avenue
    City: Ventura
    State: CA
    Zip code: 93003
    Telephone number: 1-805-642-4135
    Fax number: 1-805-832-6245

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