Crystal Von, Master Trainer for PhiAcademy, Offers New Training Opportunities

Author: Crystal Von - PhiBrows Master Trainer
Categories: Business

    Company : Crystal Von - PhiBrows Master Trainer,
    Contact Name : Crystal Vongphrachanh,
    Phone : 0411 803 503,
    Email :,

    Many people want to leave their current jobs and create their own business.

    Since PhiAcademy’s rebranding, Crystal Von, a Master Trainer, focuses on representing the brand and offering unique coursework.

    Many people want to leave their current jobs and create their own business. The beauty industry is growing quickly, and one option for a new, exciting career is eyebrow shaping. There are many advanced techniques available, including microblading, which is a technique of cosmetic tattooing. Microblading is a method that uses special pigments and inks and then implants them under the skin of the client by hand, as opposed to the traditional machine method. This tool allows the practitioner to make fine, hair-like strokes onto the surface of the skin, which looks identical to the natural hair of the eyebrows.

    Some clients of microblading have very thin eyebrows, yet others have no eyebrows at all. Both types of clients are candidates for this process. In fact, it works very well for people who may have conditions such as alopecia or who have undergone treatments, such as chemotherapy, which might make the eyebrow hairs fall out.

    Though microblading sounds permanent, it is not as invasive as other permanent makeup options, so many in the industry call this process ‘semi-permanent.’ In general, clients see results for about three years before the process has to be done again.

    As a Master Trainer through PhiAcademy, Crystal Von discovered microblading in 2014 and knew she had to learn how to do it. She had no previous experience but diligently trained in Malaysia before working to build up a clientele.

    Recently, Crystal Von rebranded her training business to showcase her individuality while still representing the PhiAcademy brand. There are unique training packages available to meet individual needs, and the training goes well beyond the typical two-day training course.

    Crystal Von strives to provide her clients with the training of the highest quality, and not only does she offer the two-day programs, but her clients can also get access to on-going support and advanced training.

    Those interested in training should note that they still get the exceptional training offered from PhiAcademy when choosing to work with Crystal Von, plus they get the benefits of unique course choices and professional assistance.

    To learn more about PhiAcademy, contact Crystal Vongprachange at or get information online at It’s possible to book training online and learn more about the training options available. Crystal Von can also be reached by telephone on 0411 803 503.

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