Dietary Links to Erectile Dysfunction

Author: Mens Erectile Solutions
Categories: Health and Medical

    Company : Mens Erectile Solutions,
    Contact Name : Robert Kandish,
    Phone : 039 510 6092,
    Email :,

    A good diet can make a world of difference to those of us suffering from erectile difficulties.

    The evidence is clear: among the numerous links that contribute to chronic erectile dysfunction, dietary elements are among the most important. Between weight and insulin issues, your diet and drinking habits can directly impact your virility and the functionality of your sexual organs. There are multiple reasons for this.

    A poor diet impacts upon your overall health. People with sub-optimal BMI often exhibit higher blood pressure and lower testosterone levels, both known as contributing factors in causing erectile dysfunction. Proper diets, ones which avoid high levels of complex carbohydrates and sugar, and which includes ample greens and lean protein, helps to guard against this.

    Secondly, an unhealthy and unfit man must often battle feelings of self-worth and self-esteem. These do little to help any performance anxiety problems being faced by the man, and often, hurt his odds of conquering the problem. It can also reduce the odds that he will make the necessary lifestyle change, to improve his condition.

    Lastly, a diet that includes heavy amounts of alcohol hurts the odds even further. Alcohol, and particularly beer, is heavy estrogenic, meaning it works against a man’s natural testosterone levels. Meanwhile, alcohol performs a similar negative role as a poor diet, by reducing blood flow through the body, and promoting obesity.

    In order to last well and enjoy our golden years to the fullest, we often must make sacrifices. A good diet can make a world of difference to those of us suffering from erectile difficulties. Contact your experts at Men’s Erectile Solutions for more information.

    Company : Mens Erectile Solutions
    Contact : Robert Kandish
    Address : 244 Malvern Rd, Prahran, Vic 3181
    Phone : 0395106092
    Email :
    Website :

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