Dr. Anita Now Available as Life-Coach to New Clients

Author: Dr. Anita Enterprises
Categories: Business

    Company : Dr. Anita Enterprises,
    Contact Name : Dr. Anita Polite-Wilson,
    Phone : 714-307-3719,
    Email : anita@doctoranita.com,

    Dr. Anita made the transition from employee to entrepreneur with the dream of helping others as her driving force. Her passion is teaching others through one-on-one conversations about their strengths and how to incorporate them into success.

    Dr. Anita Polite-Wilson is pleased to announce she is now accepting clients into her new business. As a newly formed entrepreneur, Dr. Anita is taking her desire to help others and offering her skills as a strengths-based coach to those in need.

    Recently, Dr. Anita found herself downsized at her job. Finding herself liberated, she courageously made the transition from being an employee to being an advocate for those in need of the assistance she has always strived to provide. By opening the doors and her arms to those in need, she feels she can provide a stronger helping hand to others.

    Dr. Anita is a strong believer in the potential that is inside everyone. In her opinion, she believes the difference between each person is their giftedness, which can help distinguish them as a leader. She opens each conversation, whether it’s one-on-one talks, chats with group leaders or even intact work groups, by discussing the gifts each person possesses. She hopes to show each of her clients their uniqueness and help them on their way to fulfilling the potential inside each of them.

    Dr. Anita’s mission is to encourage everyone to discover, develop and deploy their strengths every day. This mission is why Dr. Anita Enterprises offers two distinct divisions. Gifted 2 Shift Transformations offers one-on-one coaching, as well as coaching geared to small groups. Shift Strengths-Based Organization Consulting is intended to offer workshop facilitation and customized transition management for groups up to 1,000.

    When working with individuals, Dr. Anita believes in helping clients discover the need to change their frame, focus and future. When working with organizations, she strives to teach leaders the meaning of people, passion and purpose. In the classroom or public forum, she stresses inviting participation, investigating perceptions and integrating perspectives. In all of her conversations, Dr. Anita speaks of the foundational values of comfort, community and commitment.

    For more information on her new business venture, visit Dr. Anita on her website or call 714-307-3719.

    About Dr. Anita: Dr. Anita made the transition from employee to entrepreneur with the dream of helping others as her driving force. Her passion is teaching others through one-on-one conversations about their strengths and how to incorporate them into success. As a strengths-based coach, she is dedicated to showing each client their gifts and helping them utilize them to reach their optimal potential.

    Company: Dr. Anita Enterprises
    Phone: 714-307-3719
    Email: anita@doctoranita.com

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