Dr. Mark Schusterman Sets Example for His Patients

Author: Museum District Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Categories: Health and Medical

    Company : Museum District Aesthetic Plastic Surgery,
    Contact Name : Dr.Mark Schusterman,
    Phone : 1-713-794-0368,
    Email : alwaysyouthfuls@yahoo.com,

    Mark Sherman of Museum District Aesthetic Plastic Surgery takes great pride in setting an example of healthy living for his patients.

    Houston, Texas: Dr. Mark Shusterman of Museum District Aesthetic Plastic Surgery takes great pride in setting an example of healthy living for his patients. Even though he is a plastic surgeon, he understands the importance of a healthy body.

    Dr. Schusterman strives to live a healthy lifestyle by cycling competitively and eating healthy. He understands that in order to have a healthy body, individuals need to take the right steps to ensure their bodies are properly nourished and they get the necessary exercise to stay fit. Dr. Schusterman has cut out much of the junk food and processed foods from his diet and dedicates hours to cycling every week. Even when he isn’t racing, he is putting in several hours a day on the weekends to open road cycling.

    Patients who see Dr. Schusterman come to him for a variety of problems. However, everyone needs to find a way to get healthy. One of the biggest complaints he often hears is individuals don’t have the time. This is part of the reason he is dedicated to healthy living, showing his patients that anyone, even individuals with busy schedules, can fit in the time to exercise and eat well.

    Anyone interested in learning about his dedication to living a healthy life can find out more by visiting the Museum District Aesthetic Plastic Surgery website or by calling 1-713-794-0368.

    About Museum District Aesthetic Plastic Surgery: Museum District Aesthetic Plastic Surgery is a cosmetic surgical office founded by Dr. Mark Schusterman. They offer a number of cosmetic and plastic surgery services, including Mommy Makeovers, breast lifts, breast reductions, face lifts, reconstruction surgeries and more. They work closely with every patient to create natural beauty they can appreciate.

    Museum District Aesthetic Plastic Surger

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