Dr. Thomas Adams Provides Exceptional Dental Care to His Patients

Author: Dr. Thomas Adams, FICD
Categories: Dental

    Company : Dr. Thomas Adams, FICD,
    Contact Name : Dr.Thomas Adams,
    Phone : 1-847-784-5555,

    Dr. Thomas Adams is a widely recognized cosmetic dentist with many years of experience. He is devoted to providing his patients with detailed care and attention from his offices in the Chicago and Northfield, IL, areas.

    Chicago, Illinois: Dr. Thomas Adams is a widely recognized cosmetic dentist with many years of experience. He is devoted to providing his patients with detailed care and attention from his offices in the Chicago and Northfield, IL, areas. He and his staff of professionals want to give their patients an amazing dental experience. They feature the latest dental technology that includes bubble jet gum massage, digital radiography, painless injections, filtered and distilled water and comfortable chairs, allowing them to give their patients quality care, including bonding, veneers, and oral and maxillofacial surgery.

    At Dr. Adams Dentistry, the goal of the dental team is to make each patient feel comfortable and relaxed. They understand the importance of oral care and hygiene and will work with patients to help them achieve the smile they want. Whatever procedure a patient chooses, the professional staff is there to assure that patients have the best possible experience. Dr. Adams is experienced in a variety of procedures and is one of the founders. He is also on the faculty of The Institute for Advanced Dental Education, Inc.

    To find out more information about the many services that Dr. Adams provides, visit the Dr. Adams Dentistry web site or call 1-847-784-5555 to schedule a consultation.

    About Dr. Adams: Dr. Thomas Adams is a cosmetic and general dentist. He graduated in the Clinical Honors Program from Loyola University School of Dentistry and was ranked in the top of his class for clinical performance. Dr. Adams went on to serve as dental officer in the U.S. Navy immediately after dental school. In the Navy, his course work included Oral Pathology, Advanced Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, and Advanced Trauma and Life Saving. Dr. Adams a member of various professional organizations, including the American Dental Association, American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and the American and International Academies of Implant Dentistry, and the Chicago Dental Society.

    Dr. Thomas Adams, FICD

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