Drone Safety

Author: Vision Air Photography
Categories: Photography

    Company : Vision Air Photography,
    Contact Name : Jim Moustakas,
    Phone : 1300 55 70 99,
    Email : info@visionair.com.au,

    If you are seeking professional drone photography in NSW, that is obtained using unrivalled standards of safety, get in touch with VisionAir today.

    Sometimes technology evolves much faster than bureaucracy and this is certainly the case when it comes to UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) use around the world. The rise of drones for commercial and recreational use has been extremely rapid, while the rules and regulations pertaining to their use has been pedestrian in comparison. At VisionAir, aerial drone photography is both a passion and a livelihood, and each member of their staff follows all aspects of the industry extremely closely. Safety is certainly no exception and VisionAir adhere to all Australia’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) rules and constantly monitor the development of any proposed changes.

    Listed below are some of the key rules all operators of drones in Australia are required to adhere to:

    – All flights must be made in daylight
    – Drones must not exceed 400ft in altitude
    – A visual line of sight must be retained at all times during a flight
    – No flights within 3 nautical miles of airports or other aviation bases
    – No flights in controlled airspace

    Because safety is paramount to their business, VisionAir strictly abide by these rules at all times and each of their pilots is commercially licensed and experienced.

    Although Australia is at the forefront of UAV evolution the regulation of the industry, and the industry itself, is still in its infancy and, as such, commercial drone operators must use a great deal of commonsense when operating. This may include determining when and where it is safe to fly or informing those nearby of their intentions. VisionAir are careful to take any additional measures that they feel will maximise the safety of the public.

    Just as safety is important to VisionAir, so too is delivering quality aerial drone photography and the results of their work attest to this. Miriam Wisebull had an overwhelmingly positive experience with VisionAir, writing of it afterwards:

    “Quality photography, understanding of our requirements was what we were looking for. The Visionair team were able to produce it all. Thank you everyone, you’re all amazing!”

    If you are seeking professional drone photography in NSW, that is obtained using unrivalled standards of safety, get in touch with VisionAir today.

    Company : Vision Air Photography
    Contact : Jim Moustakas
    Address : Suite 211, 58-60 King St, Newtown, NSW 2042
    Phone : 1300 55 70 99
    Email : info@visionair.com.au
    Website : https://visionair.com.au

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