Emerald Diesel Specialises in Common Rail Remaps Steinbauer PowerModules

Author: Emerald Diesel Pump & Injector Service
Categories: Business

    Company : Emerald Diesel Pump & Injector Service,
    Contact Name : Jamie Brook,
    Phone : +61 7 4982 4919,
    Email : office@edpis.com.au,

    Emerald Diesel Pump and Injector Service Pty Ltd. specialises in a variety of services and parts. These include Common Rail injectors pumps and rails, as well as Remapping products and Steinbauer Power Modules.

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    Those who prefer to work on their own diesel engines or buy parts separately may find that Emerald Diesel Pump and Injector Service Pty Ltd. features a variety of services and products.

    It has come to the attention of many people that purchasing diesel parts is much easier to do online. Those who want to find the best products must ensure that the parts are authentic and well-made.

    Emerald Diesel Pump and Injector Service Pty Ltd. specialises in a variety of services and parts. These include Common Rail injectors pumps and rails, as well as Remapping products and Steinbauer Power Modules.

    The common rail is a direct fuel-injection system used in diesel engines. It offers a high-pressure fuel rail, which feeds the solenoid valves instead of a low-pressure fuel pump to feed the unit injectors. This ingenious concept has been around for many years and has gained in popularity. Mechanics and those who enjoy working on their own vehicles will appreciate that these items are available for purchase from Emerald Diesel.

    Remapping is an excellent way to improve the driving experience. It’s possible to optimise the power of the engine within safe and effective limits. That way, performance is enhanced, and there is more torque and power. Plus, it is possible to turn off some systems, such as EGR and DPF on off-road vehicles.

    Last but not least, Emerald Diesel also features Steinbauer PowerModules. The plug-and-play feature enables our customers to acheiveup to 20 percent more torque and power, up to 10% savings on your fuel costs, and backed by 3 years guarantee

    This company is a top diesel specialist in Queensland. Experts here have over 30 years of experience so that many brands of vehicles can run with quality parts and less downtime. Its rich history has led to the business having a wider selection of services and parts. This allows the professionals that work here to diagnose and tune diesel vehicles with more precision.

    With over 200 exchange and new injector pumps, it’s easier to find the right product for a particular motor. Emerald Diesel is a fair dinkum parts specialist.

    To learn more about how be can serve your needs, feel free to contact Graham Heilig on 07 4982 4919 or through his mobile on 04 0895 7366. You can also email him directly at gheilig@bigpond.net.au or visit the website at https://www.emeralddieselpump.com.au.

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