Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead

Author: Karmic Cold Pressed Juice
Categories: Health and Medical

    Company : Karmic Cold Pressed Juice,
    Contact Name : Sam De Bruin,
    Phone : 1300 786 841,
    Email : info@karmiccoldpressedjuice.com.au,

    If you have taken an interest in a program like Joe Cross’, at Karmic Juices, we can help develop a plan to help you to stick with it, and regain your health.

    The notion of the juice fast has taken a hold of the public consciousness lately, and there are a number of reasons why. Celebrity endorsements are one thing – there are plenty of Hollywood stars who credit juice fasts with providing key elements of their health. But another came in the form of a domestic documentary-maker, by the name of Joe Cross, with his documentary from 2014 entitled ‘Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead’.

    This acclaimed documentary, which won accolades from such film festivals as Sonoma, shows Cross’ journey across the United States as he follows a sixty-day juice diet to regain his health. Along the way, he is able to conquer his reliance on medication for an autoimmune disease, lose over forty kilograms, and reduce his cholesterol level considerably.

    Even beyond the health impacts, his gregarious personality means that he is able to positively influence many of the people he ends up meeting along the way on his trip. Amid an obesity epidemic in areas of the United States, he brings a message of good health and discipline, and many take note. In subsequent meetings with one of his acolytes, a morbidly obese trucker, Joe is able to influence the man in to taking the challenge on, and watches him conquer his weight problem and reliance on prescription medications.

    At Karmic Juices, we go to great lengths to assure people that a juice cleanse is not a cure-all for recovering your health. It is more of a method of allowing you to reset your body, giving your digestive tract a breather from the rigours of its normal operation. However, the drive and motivation to change is exactly what is required to make meaningful improvements in one’s health.

    If you have taken an interest in a program like Joe Cross’, at Karmic Juices, we can help develop a plan to help you to stick with it, and regain your health. Contact us today to find out more!

    Company : Karmic Cold Pressed Juice
    Contact : Sam De Bruin
    Address : Unit 1, 29-31 Scott Street, ELWOOD, VIC 3184
    Phone : 1300 786 841
    Email : info@karmiccoldpressedjuice.com.au
    Website : https://karmiccoldpressedjuice.com.au

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