H&M Land and Mineral Launches New Quote Request Web Form

Author: H&M Land and Mineral
Categories: Business

    Company : H&M Land and Mineral,
    Contact Name : Frederick Humphrey,
    Phone : 1-855-586-7494,
    Email : info@hmlandandminerals.com,

    H&M Land and Mineral is pleased to announce that they have recently launched a new quote request form on their website

    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 25, 2014: H&M Land and Mineral is pleased to announce that they have recently launched a new quote request form on their website. Their company takes great pride in purchasing rights to oil and gas deposits and giving land owners an amount that is fair to them. The Oil and Gas industry can be highly volatile and most land owners don’t want to deal with the cost and procedures required to drill for the oil and gas to sell.

    Once land owners discover the presence of oil and gas on their property they may not be aware of the value of their rights. They also don’t typically have the resources necessary to acquire the full value of their property. By filling out the convenient online form, these land owners can request a quote from H&M Land and Mineral to determine how much their Oil and Gas right are worth. They will provide a quick, accurate quote, giving allowing land owners incite into the true value of their property. This service is available to landowners owning properties measuring 20 acres or more. After land owners receive their quote, they will have the necessary information to make a sound decision.

    Anyone who would like to learn about the new quote request form online can find out more by visiting the H&M Land and Mineral website or by calling 1-855-586-7494.

    About H&M Land and Mineral: H&M Land and Mineral is an oil and gas company based out of Pittsburgh, PA. They strive to purchase mineral rights, royalties and overriding royalty interests to provide current owners with a fair price, despite the volatility of the market. With more than 35 years of experience in the oil and gas industry, their founders saw a need for helping property owners make the most of their deposits. They strive to give every land owner their money as quickly as possible so they can close the deal and profit from what they own.

    Press Release Contat :
    H&M Land and Mineral
    Frederick Humphrey
    225 Ross Street, Suite 201
    Pittsburgh, PA 15219
    Timing: Monday – Friday : 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
    Saturday – Sunday Closed

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