How Software Solves Complex Calculations for New Jersey Family Law Practitioners

Author: Easysoft Legal Software
Categories: Business

    Company : Easysoft Legal Software,
    Contact Name : Paula Portner,
    Phone : 201-466-1679,
    Email :,

    Easysoft Legal Software is a subsidiary of Leap Legal Software.

    New web-based software available from Easysoft Legal Software has helped change the way New Jersey family law attorneys and their staff process the complex calculations associated with divorce cases. No longer are the days when clients come to the lawyer’s office for a consultation and spend hours preparing paperwork to prepare for the ongoing back and forth of a divorce.

    Easysoft Family – NJ is the latest offering from Easysoft Legal Software, a long-time provider of software to the legal community. With this new web-based software, the option to go paperless has become a reality for attorneys and their clients who use the Client Intake Portal, where they can enter their information and share it directly with the attorney. “This paperless option has been extremely popular since COVID” says Mark Afonso, Product Consultant with Easysoft.

    The software includes all the essential elements attorneys need for a divorce case and features centralized data entry screens that populate information across all the necessary forms (for plaintiff and defendant), attorneys and their staff save time, and effort. Practicing family law means accuracy, reliability, and compliance to ‘get’ the numbers right.

    With Easysoft Family- NJ, attorneys and their staff can prepare multiple support worksheets, run comparisons and experiment with multiple scenarios. Plus, product features like worksheet alerts and exceptions, quick and easy ways to analyze split-parenting cases and look at assets and liabilities distributions, make this a truly valuable product.

    Easysoft Legal Software is a subsidiary of Leap Legal Software. Easysoft serves the needs of attorneys and legal professionals in family law and real estate practice.

    If you would like more information about Easysoft Legal Software, or would like to see the product and want to schedule a personal demonstration, please contact Mark Afonso, Product Consultant at 1-800-905-7638 extension 1, or email or click here to schedule your demonstration around your schedule

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