Introducing the Safety Works! Incentive Program

Author: Yellowstone Landscape
Categories: Landscaping

    Company : Yellowstone Landscape,
    Contact Name : Yellowstone Landscape,
    Phone : 386-437-6211,
    Email :,

    The Safety Works! incentive program is designed to encourage safe work practices through positive reinforcement.

    The Safety Works! incentive program is designed to encourage safe work practices through positive reinforcement.

    Here’s how it works:
    * Employees are encouraged to submit photos that illustrate safe work behaviors / practices, including a description of:
    – WHO is in the photo,
    – WHERE they are, and
    – WHAT they’re doing safely.
    * Photos/descriptions can be submitted either by email or text to Christina Franzen.
    * Cut off for submission each week is the end of the day Thursday.
    * A winner(s) will be selected on Friday; Branch Managers will be contacted to ensure the selected employee/crew is “eligible” (i.e. no write ups/safety concerns that should disqualify them).
    * “Safety Works!” bulletin will be sent out (broadcast email) each week on Monday morning around 9AM.
    * The featured employee /crew members will win a $25 gift card. Branch Managers will present the card to the employee/crew within the week to ensure timely recognition.

    Photos can be submitted by managers OR crew leaders, just as long as the WHO/WHERE/WHATs are included. If you have any questions, feel free to post them in the comment section.

    Safety Works! Spotlight – Anthony Croom (Week 1)

    Photo Submitted by Thomas Mimms
    This week we want to recognize Anthony Croom (Charleston LI) for his safety efforts!! Anthony is working on a less-traveled alley with no vehicle, so he’s used several cones and his Transition Area Warning Device to create a safe work zone for himself.

    ​ Lessons to Remember:

    * Always think before you work. What steps can or should be taken to protect yourself and others?
    * Use your traffic control devices (i.e. cones, advance warning signs and transition area warning devices). Sometimes they are needed around your vehicle (Defensive Parking), but other times they can and should be used to protect your individual work zone. This is a perfect example of that!

    ​ In recognition for demonstrating how Safety Works!, Anthony will receive a $25 gift card! Thanks again Anthony!!

    Safety Works! Spotlight – Eldrin Ellison (Week 2)

    This week we want to recognize Eldrin Ellison for his safety efforts!! Eldrin is working along a roadway in Goose Creek, prepping for a sod installation. He’s using several cones and his Transition Area Warning Device to create a safe work zone for himself, and was also wearing all of his required PPE.

    ​ In recognition for demonstrating how Safety Works!, Eldrin will receive a $25 gift card! Thanks again Eldrin!!

    Thank you to everyone who submitted photos last week! We received submissions from Houston SW, Charleston LI, Charleston LM, and Daytona Beach. All of the submitted photos are being uploaded to a slide show on the main safety page. Whenever possible, capture the employee and/or crew in the photo.

    Safety Works! Spotlight – James Brown & Jason Pate (Week 3)

    This week we want to recognize James Brown and Jason Pate for their safety efforts!! James & Jason received a 100% on their recent HSE Vehicle Safety Audit, the first perfect score received by a vehicle at the Daytona Beach branch.

    Keep in mind: The single most valuable tool to ensuring vehicle safety is completion of your Daily Vehicle Pre-Start Checklist. How consistently is this inspection being performed each morning at your branch? What sort of issues are you uncovering?

    In recognition for demonstrating how Safety Works!, James & Jason will each receive a $25 gift card! Thanks again James & Jason!!

    Safety Works! Spotlight – Guillermo Alvarez (Week 4)

    This week we want to recognize Guillermo Alvarez for his safety efforts!! Guillermo sets an excellent example for his crew (and others) each and every day.

    When it comes to ensuring that our crews are working safely each day, our crew leaders are our greatest asset! How “plugged in” are your crew leaders when it comes to safety? What more can you do to build your safety culture, and what part can/should your crew leaders play in that?

    In recognition for demonstrating how Safety Works!, Guillermo will receive a $25 gift card! Thanks again Guillermo!!

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