Kids Dental Specialists Warns Parents of Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Author: Kids Dental Specialists
Categories: Dental

    Company : Kids Dental Specialists,
    Contact Name : Chris Leyster,
    Phone : 1-909-591-0077,
    Email :,

    Kids Dental Specialists is warning parents about the dangers of baby bottle tooth decay.

    Chino, California : Kids Dental Specialists is warning parents about the dangers of baby bottle tooth decay. This issue often occurs in young children who are allowed to take a bottle to bed with them or who spend a significant amount of the day sipping on a bottle.

    Many parents make the mistake of not paying close attention to dental health because baby teeth are temporary, but they set the foundation for the permanent set of teeth, making good dental care essential at all stages of life. At Kids Dental Specialists, they have treated toddlers for cavities that are the result of baby bottle tooth decay, which is why they want parents to understand the dangers and what they can do to prevent problems. Baby teeth typically start to emerge around six months of age. The team at this dental office recommends parents start scheduling dental appointments for their child at this time.

    Baby bottle tooth decay is caused by frequent exposure to sugary liquids, which can include baby formula, breast milk, juice and sweetened water. Many parents don’t think about the damage that can be done by allowing their child to keep a full bottle available at all times. Kids Dental Specialists recommends parents take the necessary steps to reduce this issue, including avoiding sharing spoons, cleansing the gums with a damp rag after every feeding, not providing overly sugary drinks and not leaving a full bottle in bed.

    Anyone interested in learning more about baby bottle tooth decay and how to prevent it can find out more by visiting the Kids Dental Specialists website or by calling 1-909-591-0077.

    About Kids Dental Specialists: Kids Dental Specialists is a pediatric dental clinic for children of all ages. They work with parents to help them understand the importance of good oral health from a young age and provide the reliable dental care children need. Their team educates children and parents to help set the foundation for a lifetime of good oral health.

    Company: Kids Dental Specialists
    Address: 3991 Grand Avenue, Suite D
    City: Chino
    State: CA
    Zip code: 91710
    Telephone number: 1-909-591-0077

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