Kondiles Chicagoland Footcare to Offer Holistic Treatments

Author: Kondiles Chicagoland Footcare
Categories: Health and Medical

    Company : Kondiles Chicagoland Footcare,
    Contact Name : Mr.Milton Kondiles,
    Phone : 773-545-3338,
    Email : chgolandfoot@sbcglobal.net,

    Kondiles Chicagoland Footcare is pleased to announce they offer holistic treatments for clients.

    Chicago, Illinois: Kondiles Chicagoland Footcare is pleased to announce they offer holistic treatments for clients. The podiatrist practice uses Extracorporal Shock Wave treatment. It works by sending an intense, pulsating sound wave into the treatment area. Those suffering from plantar fasciitis and neuromas of the feet have experienced a lot of success with these methods. The clinic uses the shockwave technology to treat a variety of conditions, from nerve pain to muscle skeletal pain.

    This type of shockwave technology was first used for breaking up gall stones and kidney stones. Patients began experiencing relief from their pain, and the procedure was adapted to offer holistic treatments to those suffering from foot pain.

    Kondiles Chicagoland Footcare finds there are no side effects from using shockwave technology. Not only is it a non-invasive procedure, but it also provides immediate pain relief. Patients typically require somewhere from two to five treatment sessions for pain-free feet. The treatment itself may cause minor discomfort, but it only lasts from five to eight minutes.

    The Extracorporal Shock Wave can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including plantar fasciitis, neuromas of the feet, joint pain and pain caused by a ligament or tendon injury. Kondiles Chicagoland Footcare continues to provide the latest cutting edge technological treatment for their patients.

    Those suffering from foot pain can find out more about this procedure by visiting the Kondiles Chicagoland Footcare site online. They may also speak to a representative by calling 773-545-3338.

    About Kondiles Chicagoland Footcare: Kondiles Chicagoland Footcare clinic was established by Dr. Milton Kondiles, a licensed podiatrist and board-certified foot surgeon. He has provided foot care to residents in the Chicago area for nearly 30 years. The clinic is dedicated to providing the most advanced treatment options to their patients, and their goal is to ensure each patient is able to live a more productive life while experiencing less pain.

    Kondiles Chicagoland Footcare

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