Lancer Pours More at Sochi

Author: lancercorp
Categories: Business

    Company : lancercorp,
    Contact Name : Alexis Smith,
    Phone : 210-310-7000 ext 7052,
    Email :,

    Lancer Europe Provided World Class Drink Systems at the Sochi Winter Olympics

    Lancer Europe Provided World Class Drink Systems at the Sochi Winter Olympics
    SAN ANTONIO, TX, February 24, 2014 – Lancer has provided the very latest in post mix dispensing equipment to venues around the Sochi Olympic zone. Top performance is guaranteed when it comes to the drink systems in bars/cafes/hotels/gas stations where 85 Lancer fountain dispensing machines served the games. Lancer’s main winners at Sochi were counter electric dispensers.
    The Olympics are a daunting challenge to those on the field and to those behind the scenes. Lancer’s dispensers have been through the training and they have an impressive track record. Lancer has put on a winning performance before at the Wembley Stadium and the London’s Lords Cricket Ground during the London Olympics in 2012.

    If this Olympic success story inspires you to Pour More, contact Lancer Corporation for tactical advice, commercial information and technical support.

    Media Contact:
    Lancer Corporation
    Alexis Smith
    Creative Marketing Manager

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