Litchfield Associates Announces all New Remaster of KJV Audio Bible

Author: Scourby Holy Bible App
Categories: Business

    Company : Scourby Holy Bible App,
    Contact Name : Rob Reece,
    Phone : 813-408-4916,
    Email :,

    The company stated, “the recording now sounds like it was recorded in a modern recording studio”. The new remastered Audio Bible Mp3 download is now available on

    The company stated, “the recording now sounds like it was recorded in a modern recording studio”. The new remastered Audio Bible Mp3 download is now available on The company is currently working on new feature upgrades for their IPhone and Android Bible App, once completed, the remastered audio will be added with the new feature upgrades in the near future. The Company estimates those upgrades should out within 4 weeks, and at that time company will issue a new press release announcement.

    Litchfield Associates owns the copyright to the Alexander Scourby narrations, having purchased the rights to the narration from the estate of Alexander Scourby in 1991. The company also has a trademark on the name of Alexander Scourby. Rob Reece, the marketing director for the company said, “when you think about it, from 1611 to 1950, if you wanted to access the Bible you would have to read it. Now you can have the Bible on your mobile device for instant access and actually hear it and read it at the same time, share Bible Verses, create custom play list, search for words and verses, and much more. It’s really quite remarkable, King James would marvel at the technology we have to access the Bible Today”. Users have commented that the rich features makes it the perfect Bible Study App.

    Company: Scourby Holy Bible App

    Litchfield Associates

    City: TAMPA

    State: FLORIDA

    Country: Us

    Telephone no : 813-408-4916

    Url :

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