Marriage Couples Counseling & Life Coaching to Attend Conference in London

Author: Marriage Couples Counseling & Life Coaching
Categories: Marriage

    Company : Marriage Couples Counseling & Life Coaching,
    Contact Name : Andre Moore,
    Phone : 646-759-0300,
    Email :,

    Marriage Couples Counseling & Life Coaching is a full-service counseling office that specializes in helping couples learn more effective communication.

    New York, New York, September 20, 2016: Marriage Couples Counseling & Life Coaching is pleased to announce they will be attending the Congress on Attachment and Trauma: The Mind and Body Resilience. This conference will take place in London, England, from May 12 through 14, 2017.

    The Congress on Attachment and Trauma is bringing together 11 of the most prominent experts in the field together to speak and collaborate for the benefit of those in attendance. With their combined vast knowledge of the brain and body and how trauma can impact both systems will provide valuable insight into the counselors and other professionals who attend the conference. The founding counselor at Marriage Couples Counseling & Life Coaching will be in attendance to learn more that can help better serve the couples and individuals who turn to this office for help.

    In addition to traditional marriage and couples counseling, this counseling and life coaching office is dedicated to helping those who have been through any type of trauma find the best ways to cope. With their attendance at this conference in London next spring, they will be better able to assist their patients and help them achieve a more successful overall recovery.

    Anyone interested in learning more about this conference or trauma’s effect on the body and mind can find out more by visiting the Marriage Couples Counseling & Life Coaching website or by calling 1-646-759-0300.

    About Marriage Couples Counseling & Life Coaching: Marriage Couples Counseling & Life Coaching is a full-service counseling office that specializes in helping couples learn more effective communication. They also provide life coaching services and counsel those who have been victims of trauma. They take great pride in providing their patients with the high-level of care and guidance they require.

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