Michael Biehler Shares New Book with Christians

Author: Bamboozled Believers
Categories: Religion

    Company : Bamboozled Believers,
    Contact Name : Michael Biehler,

    Many Christians around the world hold tightly to their beliefs and anticipate the second coming. In fact, approximately 40 percent of Americans believe the end of the world is coming soon, despite the fact the Bible never specifically mentions the end of the world.

    Michael Biehler is pleased to announce he has written a book he is ready to share with Christians to give them a new perspective on what they have previously known. Over the years, religious leaders have interpreted the Bible to be talking about the end of the world. However, upon closer inspection, the Bible tells a different story.

    Many Christians around the world hold tightly to their beliefs and anticipate the second coming. In fact, approximately 40 percent of Americans believe the end of the world is coming soon, despite the fact the Bible never specifically mentions the end of the world. Through the course of researching and writing this book, not only was the Bible scrutinized for what it was really saying, but it was also discovered prominent religious leaders throughout history committed atrocities that were just as evil as they claimed the Catholic Church to be. Many of the beliefs still spread through the Christian church today are based on hypocrisy and aren’t solidly founded in what the Bible truly says.

    This new book, “Bamboozled Believers,” details these findings and is aimed to help Christians alter their view of faith so they can begin to follow the appropriate path. It will encourage Christians to look deeper into what they believe and what the Bible literally says.

    Anyone interested in learning about this book and what it means for Christianity today can find out more by visiting the Bamboozled Believers website.

    About Michael Biehler : Michael Biehler is the author of “Bamboozled Believer,” a book designed to uncover the truths of the Bible and take a new look at their religious beliefs. This book includes extensive research on some of the biggest religious leaders in history and how they have interpreted the Bible, forming the way Christians think. Their primary focus is on opening the eyes of Christians around the world so they can begin leading their lives. This book is now available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iBooks and kobo.

    Company : Bamboozled Believers

    Contact Name : Michael Biehler

    Address : Edson, Alberta T7E 1G7, Canada


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