Micheline Reboh of Paul Labrecque Featured in Glamour Magazine

Author: Paul Labrecque Salon & Spa
Categories: Beauty

    Company : Paul Labrecque Salon & Spa,
    Contact Name : Paul Grasso,
    Phone : (212) 988-7816,
    Email : appointments@paullabrecque.com,

    Paul Labrecque is a salon and spa with several locations in New York, giving clients the products and services they need for healthy, beautiful bodies.

    Paul Labrecque is pleased to announce one of their aestheticians, Micheline Reboh, is featured in the June 2014 issue of Glamour magazine. In their article on the top 10 beauty rules for the beach, Ms. Reboh is quoted in speaking about the importance of skin buffing for healthier skin.

    Paul Labrecque is a salon and spa that offers all the products and services individuals need to keep their hair and skin looking younger and more beautiful. In addition to providing the products their customers need, they take great pride in offering their expertise to help individuals understand the importance of taking care of their outer appearance. This advice is often found on their website, but they are pleased to share it with the audience of Glamour magazine as well.

    With summer quickly approaching, it is important for individuals to start working on their appearance so they are ready to show off their bodies when the warm weather arrives. This is why Ms. Reboh chose to share her advice with Glamour magazine, giving even more individuals access to her experiences so they can feel great when they head to the beach this summer.

    Anyone who would like to learn more about this feature in Glamour magazine can find out more by visiting the Paul Labrecque website or by calling 1-212-988-7816.

    About Paul Labrecque: Paul Labrecque is a salon and spa with several locations in New York, giving clients the products and services they need for healthy, beautiful bodies. The spa and salon was founded by Paul Labrecque, named one of the top three stylists by Vanity Fair. The salon started as a two-seat salon in 1988 and has grown to fill four locations and offer a wide selection of products and services.

    Company: Paul Labrecque Salon & Spa
    Address: 60 Chelsea Piers – Second Floor 20th Street & Hudson River Park
    City: New York
    State: NY
    Zip code: 10011
    Telephone number: (212) 988-7816

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