Mouth Guards

Author: North Ryde Macquarie Park Dentists
Categories: Dental

    Company : North Ryde Macquarie Park Dentists,
    Contact Name : Stephen de Bruyn,
    Phone : 02 9888 6066,
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    Mouth guards, while not a new addition to the sporting scene, have been gaining in popularity for many years.

    Mouth guards, while not a new addition to the sporting scene, have been gaining in popularity for many years. They are a cheap and effective method of protecting one’s teeth while on the pitch or court, but their benefits don’t stop there. A mouth guard is a key investment for a variety of reasons.

    First, by blunting the impact of knees, heads or elbows, you can considerably reduce the odds of knocking out, cracking, or fracturing teeth while playing sport. A well-fitted mouthguard is able to cushion the teeth, spreading the lot around, and blunting the force. But its benefits don’t stop there.

    Mouth guards are further able to protect the soft tissue in your mouth, in particular, the tongue and the lips. Your teeth offer a hard, pointed surface on which your lips can be cut, a reality that actually was the impetus behind the development of the very first mouth guard. It can also prevent lacerations on your tongue, such as when the jaw snaps shut under pressure or force.

    Finally, there is evidence (admittedly anecdotal) that suggests that mouth guards may be helpful in preventing concussions. The snapping of one’s jaw, and the sudden impact of a blow to the jaw, has been linked to head and brain injuries. Again, a mouthguard is able to soften the impact, and potentially prevent injuries.

    They should be standard kit in any sportsman’s or women’s bag, and not only for contact sport – games such as basketball and soccer provide many such cases of broken teeth through accidental contact, as the players are often not suspecting an impact. For any of your emergency dentistry needs, contact your experts at North Ryde Macquarie Park Dentists

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