Ortega Disability Group Specializes in Social Security Disability Cases

Author: Ortega Disability Group
Categories: Legal

    Company : Ortega Disability Group,
    Contact Name : Ortega Disability,
    Phone : 1-800-322-1173,
    Email : ...,

    Ortega Disability Group is pleased to announce their team specializes in Social Security disability claims to ensure their clients get the benefits they deserve.

    Hayward, California : Ortega Disability Group is pleased to announce their team specializes in Social Security disability claims to ensure their clients get the benefits they deserve. They understand individuals rely on these payments to ensure a good quality of life when they are unable to work.

    The professional team at Ortega Disability Group offers the reliable representation and guidance their clients need to ensure a positive outcome for their cases. They work closely with each client to understand the nature of their disability to help them determine if they are eligible for Social Security disability payments. Once they deem an individual eligible for benefits, they will help their clients fill out the paperwork correctly and include the appropriate documentation to prove their disability. These steps ensure individuals will be approved for benefits.

    Ortega Disability Group can also help individuals who filed themselves and were denied due to errors in their cases. They carefully review the case to determine where mistakes exist and correct them before submitting the case for approval. They strive to ensure everyone who deserves benefits receives them as quickly as possible.

    Anyone interested in learning about their help with Social Security disability claims can find out more by visiting the Ortega Disability Group website or by calling 1-800-322-1173.

    About Ortega Disability Group: Ortega Disability Group is a full-service law firm specializing in Social Security disability cases. Their team strongly believes individuals suffering from severe, long-term disabilities shouldn’t have to fight hard for the benefits they deserve. They make the process as simple and stress-free as possible for their clients.

    Company: Ortega Disability Group
    Address: 1100 Town and Country Rd #1228,
    City: Orange
    State: CA
    Zip code: 92868
    Telephone number: 1-800-322-1173

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