Peak Support Attains Record Net Promoter Score

Author: Peak Support
Categories: Business

    Company : Peak Support,
    Contact Name : Jonathan Steiman,
    Phone : (866) 620-5538,
    Email :,

    To learn more about Peak Support and our services, call (866) 620-5538 or visit our website.

    Peak Support is pleased to announce that it achieved a record Net Promoter Score of 92—a noteworthy feat for any company, particularly a customer service outsourcing firm. A Net Promoter Score, or NPS, can range from -100 to +100. Anything over 50 is considered excellent and anything over 75 is considered “world class.”

    The process of calculating a business’s Net Promoter Score involves sending out a survey to the business’s customers. This survey asks customers about the likelihood of them recommending the company to other people they know, based on a scale of 0 to 10. Customers who choose anything under 6 are categorized as “detractors.” Customers between 7 and 8 are referred to as “passives,” and customers between 9 and 10 are “promoters.”

    Tallying up the company’s overall score involves finding the percentage of promoters out of the total customers surveyed, then subtracting the calculated percentage of detractors from the promoter percentage. Out of 24 respondents to Peak Support’s survey, two were passive and the other 22 were promoters.

    We pride ourselves in providing quality service to our clients. Since we started using the NPS survey in 2015, we have never received a single “detractor,” and our score has always exceeded 75.

    To learn more about Peak Support and our services, call (866) 620-5538 or visit our website.

    About Peak Support

    Based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Peak Support is a rapidly growing services provider dedicated to providing exceptional support to high-growth companies. We offer a wide array of services including customer support, sales operations, and business process outsourcing. Our global delivery model enables us to provide service from the Philippines and the U.S. We hire the best agents in the business and we are relentlessly dedicated to helping our clients succeed.

    Company Name: Peak Support
    Address: 955 Massachusetts Ave., #130
    City: Cambridge
    State: MA
    Zip Code: 02139
    Phone Number: (866) 620-5538
    Website :

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