Permanently Solving In-Grown Toenails

Author: Adept Podiatry
Categories: Health and Medical

    Company : Adept Podiatry,
    Contact Name : Pete Moate,
    Phone : 03 9882 8184,
    Email :,

    If you have suffered from one before, an in-grown toenail is not an enjoyable element of your day.

    If you have suffered from one before, an in-grown toenail is not an enjoyable element of your day. Occurring when the toenail grows laterally in to the skin, they are highly uncomfortable, and impact upon millions of sufferers annually.

    Ingrown toenails can be the result of overuse, such as kicking balls while playing sport, genetics, or injury, but they should be treated quickly upon discovery. Luckily, you don’t need to schedule a visit to your GP for a diagnosis. An ingrown toenail can be treated, and permanently solved, with a visit to your Melbourne podiatrist at Adept Podiatry.

    Adept’s Peter Moate is able to help any patient in need of a permanent solution to their ingrown toenails. As many of these problems are recurrent, solving them once and for all can be a massive relief. Here is how he goes about it.

    At the practice, under local anaesthesia, the offending nail edge is removed. This immediately eases the discomfort and pain, as the edge is no longer pressing in to the skin. To seal the deal, the side of the nail growing in to the skin is treated with a chemical called Phenol. This cauterises the edge of the nail bed, preventing regrowth, and taking care of the issue permanently.

    This method involves a short visit, and will not take time away from your busy schedule. Recovery is similarly fast, and typically pain-free, leaving you capable of staying on your toes once more. If you’re looking for a quick, permanent fix to your nagging ingrown toenails, this could be your saviour.

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