Philanthropic campaign Mask giveaway Orange County California

Author: Esino Usa Corporation
Categories: Business

    Company : Esino Usa Corporation,
    Contact Name : Zac Marton,
    Phone : 949-333-3657,
    Email :,

    There was a lot of talk in the office about the pandemic and how we could help.

    Please elaborate below on any of the above boxes that you have checked.

    • How the idea came to be

    There was a lot of talk in the office about the pandemic and how we could help. Since supplies for masks are extremely low, we decided the best thing we could do as a company was to donate masks to organizations, individuals, and families who needed them.

    We searched for non-profit organizations who were in need of supplies or who were distributing them to the public and came across the Somerset County Department of Health. We spoke with them and answered their requests for masks for the department as well as the Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, Somerset. Additional masks were also donated to their mask giveaway to the public.

    Please list a few key points that you would like addressed in the press release.

    • We donated over 2,500 masks to organizations that needed them

    We are still giving away masks, so if any individuals, organizations, etc areinneed of them, they can reach out to us

    • 1000 masks to Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset
    • 1000 masks to somerset county department of health

    These two locations are connected to each other but they are different locations

    • 500+ masks to families, individuals, businesses who needthemPost from Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital
    • RWJ Somerset [and other organizations] recently distributed educational materials on the prevention of COVID, masks and hand sanitizers on at First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens in Somerset. Over 4,190 masks, 970 hand sanitizers and 850 soaps were distributed.

    A big thanks toEsino USAfor the masks donation distributed during this event

    What is the mission of your company? List any quotes you would like to include as well.

    • We bring your ideas to life through innovative manufacturing solutions and ultra responsive service. Using our capabilities, Esino develops cutting-edge technology to help consumers live well and be healthy and makes serious contributions to makingtheworld a better place for everyone to live in.

    Contact Info:

    Ondrian Yeung Marketing

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    Company Name : Esino Usa Corporation
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