Portage Park Animal Hospital and Dental Clinic Offers Kitty and Puppy Wellness Programs and Dental C

Author: Portage Park Animal Hospital & Dental Clinic
Categories: Animals

    Company : Portage Park Animal Hospital & Dental Clinic,
    Contact Name : Kathy Fitzpatrick,
    Phone : 1-773-725-0260,
    Email : kfitzpatrick@portagepark.com,

    Portage Park Animal Hospital and Dental Clinic is pleased to announce they offer puppy and kitty wellness programs, as well as dental care for pets.

    Chicago, Illinois : Portage Park Animal Hospital and Dental Clinic is pleased to announce they offer puppy and kitty wellness programs, as well as dental care for pets. These programs are designed to help make sure every pet is healthy and happy for a long life.

    Puppy wellness visits occur in a series of four appointments that will address the various treatments young puppies need. These visits include complete physical examinations, all of the required vaccinations, fecal testing, parasite preventive treatment and more. The program also includes 10 percent off spaying or neutering upon completion of the puppy wellness program.

    For individuals who have kittens, the kitty wellness program covers much of the same procedures, except targeted toward felines. Beyond the examinations and vaccinations, Portage Park Animal Hospital and Dental Clinic offers feline leukemia testing and the vaccination to go with it.

    In addition to providing specialized care for puppies and kittens, Portage Park Animal Hospital and Dental Clinic offers dental care services to all of their patients. It all starts with regular cleanings and checkups, along with the specialized care each animal may need along the way. They also perform restorative services, extractions, oral surgery and radiography to ensure every dog and cat they see has a healthy mouth.

    Anyone interested in learning about the kitty and puppy wellness programs or dental services can find out more by visiting the Portage Park Animal Hospital and Dental Clinic website or by calling 1-773-725-0260.

    About Portage Park Animal Hospital and Dental Clinic: Portage Park Animal Hospital and Dental Clinic is a full-service veterinary office that provides medical and dental care to pets. To get started, they provide a complimentary examination to evaluate the health of every animal and set up the perfect treatment plan. They offer both puppy and kitty wellness programs and continue to provide care through the animal’s life to protect their wellbeing.

    Company: Portage Park Animal Hospital and Dental Clinic
    Address: 5419 West Irving Park Road
    City: Chicago
    State: IL
    Zip code: 60641
    Telephone number: 1-773-725-0260
    Fax number: 1-773-725-1830

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