Preserve Your Photos with UV Filtering Frames

Author: Amarisco Framing and Mounting
Categories: Business

    Company : Amarisco Framing and Mounting,
    Contact Name : Ken Caflisch,
    Phone : (02) 9439 3133,
    Email :,

    The elements are not kind to our favourite photos, artwork, or sports memorabilia.

    The elements are not kind to our favourite photos, artwork, or sports memorabilia. Dust, humidity, and in particular, direct sunlight, can quickly fade our favourite photos. This reality limits our potential spots in the home or business in which to hang our treasured shots, paintings, or memorabilia, to prevent such deterioration to occur due to the ravages of UV rays.

    Luckily, according to the experts at Amarisco Framing and Mounting, there is a new method of ensuring that this doesn’t happen. A UV filter, in the form of a piece of polarised glass, can filter out 99% of harmful UV rays before they reach the piece.

    Now, instead of limiting our hanging spots to those shadier areas of the home or business, you can have one of your favourite pieces in plain view. As a plus, natural light is broad-spectrum, meaning more details of the piece become noticeable.

    A striking piece of art, or a stunning photo or piece of sports memorabilia, isn’t meant to languish unnoticed in a low-traffic area. It is meant to be front-and-centre, and by so doing, draw some impressed stares. These unique filters mean you can now choose a fitting spot to display it.

    All the better to enjoy it to the fullest!

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