Pressure and Power

Author: Tank Management Services Pty Ltd
Categories: Business

    Company : Tank Management Services Pty Ltd,
    Contact Name : Anthony Alpen,
    Phone : 1800 333 124,
    Email :,

    Fire halls are found throughout Australian towns. Many of the older halls come with a tower, used for hanging and drying out the old leather fire hoses, to prevent their rotting.

    Fire halls are found throughout Australian towns. Many of the older halls come with a tower, used for hanging and drying out the old leather fire hoses, to prevent their rotting. Back in the old days, this was the only substance strong enough to contain the pressure of the pumps, needed to reach the higher floors of buildings and structures, while keeping a safe distance.

    Today, we have moved on to synthetic fibres and elastomers, considerably more rot-resistant and strong. And the pumps have moved onwards, as well. They are now capable of creating greater pressures than ever before, capable of reaching up several floors, to douse fires blazing up here without the time-consuming process of erecting the ladders.

    This pressure offers fire fighters a new level of flexibility. As a fire consumes and evolves, its position will change several times. We must be able to reposition the line of fire from a hose quickly and easily, and with a turn of the nozzle, these high-pressure pumps make this possible.

    The same is true of those pumps that we find being put to use in our domestic arrangements. Particularly among those of us living among the bush, the ability to deploy a good-quality pump allows us far better odds of defending our homes and properties against bushfires.

    Certain products and pumps, such as those from Rapid Spray, provide this capability. Trusted by many to take care of their needs during bushfire season, they can make the difference between a successful battle, and property damage. They make a worthwhile investment as we head in to fire season.

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