Proper Sunlight Levels

Author: North Ryde Macquarie Park Dentists
Categories: Dental

    Company : North Ryde Macquarie Park Dentists,
    Contact Name : Stephen de Bruyn,
    Phone : 02 9888 6066,
    Email :,

    As we have learned more and more about the interactions between our bodies and our diets, some new realities have become obvious to us.

    As we have learned more and more about the interactions between our bodies and our diets, some new realities have become obvious to us. Certain aspects of our dietary intake and our usage of different vitamins have become central to a variety of health issues, and our teeth are one example of this.

    Vitamin D is the only vitamin that our body will actually create for us. It is created when a cholesterol in our skin reacts with UV rays, and after being processed by our liver and kidneys, is then used by the body. The importance of adequate vitamin D levels is clear, for a variety of reasons, but none more important than for their impact on our dental health.

    Vitamin D plays a huge role in the way that our body uses and absorbs calcium, a key building block in the construction and maintenance of our bones and our teeth. It can maintain bone density, and ensures that our teeth can stay resilient to every day use. Not surprisingly, there is a noted correlated between inadequate Vitamin D levels, and oral health.

    Luckily, there is nothing stopping us from achieving adequate Vitamin D levels. We simply need to expose ourselves to some sunlight – without overexposing ourselves, of course. Little more than 10-30 minutes at noonday, three times weekly, will be adequate for the vast majority of people. There are also supplements available from your chemist, in case you have a busy schedule, or burn easily.

    For all your dentistry needs, North Ryde Macquarie Park Dentists can help you. Contact them today!

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