Retriever Medical/Dental Payments Inc. Pays for a One Hour Plane Ride for a Young Man with Autism

Author: Retriever Medical/Dental Payments
Categories: Finance

    Company : Retriever Medical/Dental Payments,
    Contact Name : Owner,
    Phone : 1-800-337-3630,
    Email :,

    Retriever Medical/Dental Payments Inc. is a credit card processor that exclusively serves healthcare professionals. Their medical payment specialists are experts in processing medical payments seamlessly.

    Valhalla, New York, October 29, 2015: As a reward for a bright and enthusiastic young man’s graduation, Retriever Medical/Dental Payments Inc. paid for Tyler to ride in his favorite airplane for an hour.

    Although Tyler has a diagnosis of autism, he’s surpassed every limitation the doctor’s predicted. According to the doctors, he was not supposed to be able to speak and would never be mainstreamed in school. They didn’t believe there was anything more they could do to help Tyler, but he succeeded anyway since his parents chose to ignore the doctors’ comments, coming alongside Tyler to ensure his success.

    Retriever Medical/Dental Payments Inc. is owned by a close friend of the family, and they set up and paid for this surprise for Tyler. He was able to bring along teachers who had gone above and beyond to ensure he succeeded at school, and they all enjoyed the flight together in the small jet.

    Tyler received a one-hour flight in his favorite airplane, the Cuyon 300. When he was asked how his flight was, he stated simply but enthusiastically, “It was awesome!” Although Tyler struggles in some areas, he’s an expert when it comes to planes and has an encyclopedic knowledge of the statistical details and parts of every plane.

    For those who would like more information about the company that made this happen for Tyler, visit the Retriever Medical/Dental Payments Inc. website. They can also be reached via phone by calling 1-800-337-3630.

    About Retriever Medical Dental Payments Inc.: Retriever Medical/Dental Payments Inc. is a credit card processor that exclusively serves healthcare professionals. Their medical payment specialists are experts in processing medical payments seamlessly. By processing payments for healthcare professionals, Retriever helps ensure doctors’ offices get paid for the services they performed.

    Press Release Contact :
    115 E Stevens Ave
    Zip Code: 10595

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