Sanctuary Bail Bonds Celebrates 10 years of Excellent Customer Service

Author: Sanctuary Bail Bonds
Categories: Business

    Company : Sanctuary Bail Bonds,
    Contact Name : Sanctuary Bail Bonds,
    Phone : 602-224-5247,
    Email :,

    The year was 2010, Tom Cerino and Randy Feldman, the founders of Sanctuary Bail Bonds were actually working within the restaurant/hospitality industry.

    The year was 2010, Tom Cerino and Randy Feldman, the founders of Sanctuary Bail Bonds were actually working within the restaurant/hospitality industry. Friends and business partners for several years, Tom Cerino and Randy Feldman were approached to take their hospitality knowledge and inject their business model into a field that normally doesn’t focus on hospitality…The Bail Industry. Bail Bonds and Bail Bondsmen in general had a very negative stigma surrounding them. Many bail bond companies used fear and intimidation to take advantage of people’s unfortunate situation.

    Sure there were laws for bail bonds but the bar was low for customer service and regulations were implemented even less. Who was making sure people were being taken care of? Who was ensuring no one was being taken advantage of? By taking the knowledge gained from years of customer service within the hospitality industry and coupling that with the expertise behind bail bonds, Sanctuary Bail Bonds was born out of absolute necessity.

    Starting in an 800 square foot office in Glendale, Arizona, Sanctuary Bail Bonds sought to take care of the person first. Where the standard of care had once been so low, SBB presented a new approach to the Bail Bond industry and has never looked back since. 10 years later, we are now located in a 3,300 square foot office located in the heart of Downtown Phoenix, Arizona. With over 9 bail agents who are each dedicated to providing the customer service the industry has lacked for so long, we are prepared to make the process as easy as possible for all parties. At any given time, you will reach a live agent who is fully equipped to handle any and all questions or services you may need. We don’t outsource to call centers, and we don’t believe in having to be transferred in order to receive the help you called for. We are even located two blocks away from the downtown jail in order to be more convenient for our clientele.

    Our strong focus on customer service has resulted in our phenomenal customer relations, which even branches across to attorneys and those involved in the legal process. Attorneys have even included Sanctuary Bail Bonds as a part of their services, which is greatly achieved by our high standard of service. Sanctuary Bail Bonds is considered as one of the most professional and highly recommended companies in the bail bonds industry, and that is a reputation that is maintained by the incredible staff that can be found here. Our success is 100% a reflection of our staff. They are compassionate, understanding, knowledgeable, friendly, and constantly looking to find a solution in difficult times. We created a standard of service and they continue to meet and exceed all expectations. Because of that.. we’ve been able to 10 years of service and look forward to many more in the future.

    Press Release Contact :
    Contact Us:
    Sanctuary Bail Bonds
    337 N 4th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85003

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