Scaling it Down

Author: National Periodontics
Categories: Dental

    Company : National Periodontics,
    Contact Name : Arthur Drouganis,
    Phone : +61 08 8520 8215,
    Email :,

    Your teeth require a given amount of maintenance to perform for you throughout your life, and dental scaling is among the most vital.

    Your teeth require a given amount of maintenance to perform for you throughout your life, and dental scaling is among the most vital. Performed by your dentist, it is perhaps the most important aspect of your twice-yearly checkup.

    Scaling is simply a procedure that sees your dentist scrape, or clean, areas of your teeth and tooth roots that lie below the gumline. As with your toothbrush above the gumline, it can remove built-up surfaces of plaque and tartar, and smooth them out. This can keep your teeth free of potentially damaging plaque or tartar below the gumline.

    Part of the reason that it is so important to visit your dentist is due to the inability of your toothbrush or floss to reach below the gumline. Using a specialised hand scraper, a dentist can clean below the gumline, and access areas of your teeth that escape your grasp.

    This procedure isn’t just aimed at your teeth, however. Built-up plaque and tartar below your gumline can begin to impact upon your gums, leading to inflammation, and potentially, issues surrounding gingivitis and periodontal diseases. By restricting the growth of these elements below the gumline, you can save yourself problems with inflamed gums, receding gums, and bad breath.

    Along with a fluoride treatment, dental scaling is something that should be considered to be standard practice at your dentist. At National Periodontics, they can provide a service that leaves no stone unturned in the search for good dental health.

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