Searching for High-Quality Outdoor Storage in Phoenix, AZ?

Author: United Aluminum
Categories: Business

    Company : United Aluminum,
    Contact Name : Unitedalum,
    Phone : 602-263-0834,

    Perhaps you require high-quality outdoor storage in Phoenix, AZ. United Aluminum provides excellent outdoor storage sheds to solve any storage necessity.

    United Aluminum
    Perhaps you require high-quality outdoor storage in Phoenix, AZ. United Aluminum provides excellent outdoor storage sheds to solve any storage necessity. Their beautiful storage sheds are watertight and maintenance-free. Sheds constructed of aluminum are durable and long-lasting. Aluminum does not rust, rot, or require painting and resists the elements for many years. United Aluminum guarantees the sheds they build for 20 years against corrosion. They come with a baked enamel finish, an extruded aluminum frame, and stucco-embossed siding. The garden sheds are available in three colors: Champagne, Desert Tan, and Sandstone. There is available flooring built with green board treated to resist rot and termite infestation. United Aluminum custom builds each shed to fit your outdoor space. Multiple door options include sliding doors (right, left, double center, or middle sliding) and swinging doors that function on narrow walls, allowing use in tight spaces.
    Sheds by United Aluminum come in a wide variety of sizes to accommodate your needs, starting at four by 6 feet and going up to 12 by 24 feet. They can customize sheds to comply with your local Homeowner Association requirements. Whatever your backyard storage needs, they can provide the best solution at an affordable cost. You do not need to clutter your garage when you can have a functional and appealing outdoor storage in Phoenix, AZ built by a company recognized for its dedication to high-quality storage units. United Aluminum has been in business since 1968 and delivers outstanding sheds to Phoenix and surrounding areas. They commit to excellent customer service and superb craftsmanship. Please call them today and schedule an appointment to discuss your storage requirements. They are ready to show you the great storage units they offer and can work closely with you to provide you the best option. United Aluminum believes that they provide outstanding storage sheds that last.

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