Short Term Loans Offers Bad Credit/No Credit Cash Loans.

Author: Payday Advance Services
Categories: Loans

    Company : Payday Advance Services,
    Contact Name : Scott Hershman,
    Phone : (888) 556-2722,
    Email :,

    Short Term Loans is proud to announce it offers fast cash loans to customers who do not have sufficient credit or bad credit. The idea behind these loans is to help customers finance situations that may come up unexpectedly.

    Des Plaines, Illinois: Short Term Loans is proud to announce it offers fast cash loans to customers who do not have sufficient credit or bad credit. The idea behind these loans is to help customers finance situations that may come up unexpectedly.

    Short Term Loans is a payday loan company that operates out of Illinois and helps customers cover their expenses until their next payday. These loans are not designed to cater to long-term debt or difficulties but are a fast solution to an urgent problem. The company has many locations throughout Illinois where customers can go and secure a loan on the spot. Customers are also welcome to do so online at

    There are many ways to secure loans through banks and other lenders, but the process is long, and the money takes the time to arrive. This is why Short Term Loans helps consumers with low interest loans that can help them get through hard times until their next pay date. It is a quick and easy way to get immediate funds that can help in emergency situations.

    The prerequisite for receiving loans is quite simple. All individuals need is proof of employment, along with a bank account and an ID ensuring the loan is being issued to a person over 18 years of age.

    Anyone interested in learning about the bad credit/no credit cash loans can find out more by calling Short Term Loans at 1-888-556-2722 or by visiting them online at

    About Short Term Loans: Short Term Loans is a money lender that services residents across the United States. The company offers fast, on the spot loans that can be easily used to finance needs that arise unexpectedly. Unlike other payday loan companies, they offer fast approval through their simple online form, giving individuals access to the cash they need as quickly as the next business day.

    Company: Short Term Loans
    Address: 1400 E. Touhy Ave, Suite 108
    City: Des Plaines
    State: IL
    Zip: 60018
    Telephone Number: 1-888-556-2722
    Fax number: 1-888-556-2999
    Email address:

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