Short Term Loans Offers Fast, Friendly Cash Loans

Author: Short Term Loans
Categories: Loans

    Company : Short Term Loans,
    Contact Name : Scott Hershman,
    Phone : 1-888-556-2722,
    Email :,

    Short Term Loans is a company that can provide people living in Illinois with fast and friendly cash loans.

    Des Plaines, Illinois: Short Term Loans is a company that can provide people living in Illinois with fast and friendly cash loans. When people run across unexpected money troubles, Short Term Loans can help with payday loans or installment loans. It’s simple and hassle-free to apply online or in person at one of their locations.

    When customers need fast cash, the best place for them to go is Short Term Loans. If they apply online, their loan can be processed in minutes, and the money will be in their account by the next business day. Individuals applying in person can be approved and get cash instantly.

    Customers can rely on their friendly service. Even if they have bad credit or no credit, they can be approved for a fast cash loan. Short Term Loans offers payday loans to tide customers over until the next pay check when they have unplanned costs, such as medical bills or car trouble, helping avoid further set back from late fees or overdrafts.

    Installment loans are also provided by Short Term Loans, giving customers the fast easy cash loan they need with more time to pay it back. Installment loans are paid back over a longer time period without further charges, finance fees or higher interest rates. In certain cases, it has proved to be a better option for many of the satisfied customers at Short Term Loans.

    Anyone interested in learning about these fast, friendly cash loans can find out more by calling Short Term Loans at 1-888-556-2722 or by visiting them online at

    About Short Term Loans: Short Term Loans is a payday and installment loan company based out of Des Plaines, IL. They provide short term loans to the residents of Illinois and other areas of the country. When unexpected costs come up, they can help people who are having a difficult time with the money they need with either a payday loan or a longer installment-based loan.

    Short Term Loans

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