Short Term Loans Provides Payday Loans with Bad Credit

Author: Short Term Loans
Categories: Loans

    Company : Short Term Loans,
    Contact Name : Mr.Scott Hershman,
    Phone : 1-888-556-2722,
    Email :,

    Short Term Loans is pleased to announce they offer payday loans to consumers who may have bad credit.

    Des Plaines, Illinois: Short Term Loans is pleased to announce they offer payday loans to consumers who may have bad credit. Individuals with poor credit often can’t get a loan, even when they are capable of paying it back. Short Term Loans can help these individuals.

    There may come a time when an unexpected bill comes up, or an individual finds themselves short prior to payday. If these bills aren’t paid on time, or an individual uses a credit card to pay them, interest rates and late fees may apply. This can increase the cost of the bill. Instead of accruing these additional charges, Short Term Loans can provide a payday loan that will cover the cost of the bill and allow the consumer to pay it back when they are paid next. Because there is no credit check necessary, this means even those who have bad credit can still qualify.

    Individuals can quickly and easily apply for a payday loan through the company’s website. All that is required is a few pieces of information, including age verification, name, bank account information and employment details. This information is then submitted to prospective lenders to match consumers with a payday loan that best suits their needs.

    Anyone interested in learning about obtaining payday loans with bad credit can find out more by visiting the Short Term Loans website or by calling 1-888-556-2722.

    About Short Term Loans: Short Terms Loans is a leading provider of short-term payday loans across the country. The company offers these loans to individuals, regardless of their current credit standing. These loans are available to consumers throughout the United States.

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