Shutting the Door on Autumn Rodents

Author: Pink Pest Services
Categories: Business

    Company : Pink Pest Services,
    Contact Name : Malcolm Trotter,
    Phone : 1300 132 062,
    Email :,

    As we say at Pink Pest, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and ensuring your home is a rodent fortress means you will have it to yourself this winter.

    With the arrival of the colder weather to Sydney’s shores, chillier nights begin to change the habits of many of our local rodents. Unwilling to spend their evenings among the cold and dew of the New South Wales nights, many are currently vying for a new abode, and your home could well be on the list.

    Rodents seek out a number of habitats to winter over, but they share the common traits of any warm-blooded animal: warmth and shelter from winter rains. The ability to adapt to indoor environments is a key reason why they are such successful animals in Australian cities, but their residency can cause both distress and sanitary concerns, apart from ruining your food cupboard. It is best to encourage them to stay out.

    The first method of doing so is by checking the entries typically used by your human residents. Young mice and rats are able to squeeze through openings and gaps in doorways and windows far smaller than you thought was possible. They do so by dislocating their rib cage – even adult rats can squeeze through a hole no larger than a twenty-cent coin. Any gaps must be sealed with quality filler, and replacing the seals around your windows and doors can also save you on your electricity bills.

    Secondly, ensure that any garbage is stored correctly. This seems like a no-brainer, but locating your bins away from your home will prevent any neighbourhood rodents from associating the smell of food with proximity to your home.

    Next, check your subfloor or basement entry fixtures. Gaps in the masonry or brickwork can easily by widened by the toughened incisors of rats and mice, and holes can quickly become entry points. Ensuring any wood or stored building materials are located away from the home will keep these rodents from having any nearby shelter while they excavate.

    Lastly, overhanging trees can be a natural entry point. Rodents are natural climbers, and any branches that offer an overhanging gap or brush the roofline should be trimmed back.

    As we say at Pink Pest, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and ensuring your home is a rodent fortress means you will have it to yourself this winter. Contact Pink Pest Services for all your pest removal needs, today!

    Company : Pink Pest Services
    Contact : Malcolm Trotter
    Address : 393 Rocky Point Rd, Sans Souci, NSW 2219
    Phone : 1300 132 062
    Email :
    Website :

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