Spring Cleaning with Window Cleaners

Author: Central Glass and Aluminium
Categories: Business

    Company : Central Glass and Aluminium,
    Contact Name : Heather Clarke,
    Phone : 07 5535 2000,
    Email : management@centralglass.net.au,

    Our glass cleaners feature no offensive odour, and can be employed around the house.

    The weather, at long last, has begun to change for the better. As we say goodbye to the long, hard stretch of the winter months – such as they are – we are more than likely facing some relatively dirty windows each time that we look outside. A season’s worth of grime has coated them, and making full use of the view means it is time for some spring cleaning.

    From muck, to fumes from the road, to simple water stains, windows attract a huge variety of different stains. By virtue of our lengthy experience working as glaziers here in Gold Coast, your friends at Central Glass and Aluminium have built up knowledge of what works best in these circumstances, and among products on the market today, a few gems stand out.

    The bulk of window cleaning in Australia falls back on the old basics of soap and water, but this method has its own flaws. For one, the right mix is absolutely necessary, or risk turning your window sill in to a mess of suds. And secondly, and most importantly, proper window soap dries more cleanly, without leaving behind soap stains.

    If you look at your shower after a few weeks of usage, you will notice the soap ‘scum’ or residue that coats the glass. But with proper window cleaners, you won’t cope with this. They dry without leaving behind a visible residue, cleaning the glass quickly and easily, and keeping it so.

    Our glass cleaners feature no offensive odour, and can be employed around the house. Make sure that you read the label beforehand, however, to ensure you get the most from its usage. Check out our lineup of chosen products today, and make your cleaning a breeze this spring.

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