Sterling Peak Performance to Offer Kinesiology

Author: Sterling Peak Performance
Categories: Health and Medical

    Company : Sterling Peak Performance,
    Contact Name : Serena Sterling,
    Phone : 206-258-2171,
    Email :,

    Sterling Peak Performance is pleased to announce the use of kinesiology, or muscle testing, as part of their professional wellness coaching services.

    Sterling Peak Performance is pleased to announce the use of kinesiology, or muscle testing, as part of their professional wellness coaching services. Kinesiology is a newly developed method for helping individuals return to an excellent state of health, emotional strength and energy. Kinesiology is a unique branch of science that was developed by doctors, acupuncturists and chiropractors in a collaborative effort.

    Kinesiology is a holistic system used at Sterling Peak Performance because it considers the whole person. This approach to wellness measures how the brain interacts with the 639 muscles in the body. When there is any type of stress, including emotional, structural, electrical or nutritional, the system can break down, resulting in the development of diseases. Sterling Peak Performance uses a manual method for testing for muscle weakness or strength.

    By using muscle testing, professionals can learn the root of common illnesses, weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Past experiences can influence muscle strength. A patient who is okay with a statement will demonstrate muscle strength, but when a negative statement is made, their muscles will demonstrate weakness. Sterling Peak Performance utilizes kinesiology to determine the most appropriate method to help an individual return to their peak performance in sports, their career or in their daily lives.

    Customers who would like more information about how kinesiology is used can visit the Sterling Peak Performance website. A representative can also be reached via phone by calling 206-258-2171.

    About Sterling Peak Performance: Sterling Peak Performance was founded by Serena Sterling, PsyD, after she experienced debilitating fatigue. She had lost her drive and focus and was on the brink of losing everything. One doctor told her to figure out how to cope with the fatigue but she discovered NET, Neuro Emotional Technique, and found more energy. She obtained a doctorate in clinical psychology in order to use NET to help other individuals in similar situations.

    Company: Sterling Peak Performance
    Address: 100 Wall Street
    City: Seattle
    State: Washington
    Zip Code: 98121
    Phone: 206-258-2171

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