Strauss Diamond Markets and Sells the HD ULTRAmicro Ultra Bright FS Micro-Surgery Mirror

Author: Strauss Diamond Instruments
Categories: Dental

    Company : Strauss Diamond Instruments,
    Contact Name : Strauss Diamond,
    Phone : 1-800-982-9641,
    Email :,

    Strauss Diamond is located in Palm Coast, FL, and is the American entity of Strauss & Co. in Israel.

    Strauss Diamond Instruments is pleased to market and sell the HD ULTRAmicro Ultra Bright FS Micro-Surgery Mirror. The mirror features high-quality and high-end material to aid in dental procedures.

    The mirror comes in a number of sizes, including 3mm round, 5mm round and 3mm x 6mm oval, each with the handle included. The mirror is qualified for use in microsurgery because of the small size. ULTRAmicro is the only mirror in the world with an oval shape that has Front Surface mirror technology. One mirror gives a full and clear view instead of the double view dentists get with the two-mirror model. A clearer picture makes the work easier to see and decreases time in the dental chair.

    The glass design and specialized thin mirror help eliminate fatigue, give clear sight without distortion, and make disinfection practically seamless. Brilliant image quality is the consensus for the HD ULTRAmicro Micro-Surgery Mirror.

    The mirror can be used for apicectomy, exploring for root canals, checking prepared root canals, fissures, inlay-preparations, discovering caries that can’t be seen directly below the enamel and checking implantological treatments.

    For more information about the HD ULTRAmicro Mirror and other dental equipment, visit the website at Strauss Diamond or call 1-800-982-9641.

    About Strauss Diamond : Strauss Diamond is located in Palm Coast, FL, and is the American entity of Strauss & Co. in Israel. Strauss Diamond has been in business since 1970. Strauss prides itself on being on the quality edge of dental and industrial equipment by hand inspecting each product before leaving the factory. Strauss currently serves more than 60 countries.

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