
Author: Hills Dental Care
Categories: Dental

    Company : Hills Dental Care,
    Contact Name : James Kim,
    Phone : (02) 9899 3100,
    Email :,

    The impacts of stress on our lives has become a more acute problem in recent years.

    The impacts of stress on our lives has become a more acute problem in recent years. We are more stressed than ever before, something that is often attributed to the advent of smartphones. It is nearly impossible to switch off today, and besides, many of us choose not to.

    Stress has been described as the ‘health crisis of the 21st century’, something that we will need to bear in mind as we pursue public health initiatives. But it isn’t just oncologists and surgeons who must remain aware of this problem – your dentist can also bear witness to the problems of stress.

    When a person is stressed, their body produces more of the hormone cortisol, which is employed by the body to reduce inflammation. However, it also supresses the immune system, and by so doing, can lead to a gum problem know as Acute Necrotising Ulcerative Gingitivis. This ailment sees areas of your gums literally die while in place in your mouth.

    Extremely painful, ANUG also breeds bad breath and receding gums. It has been noted by some dentists in Sydney, such as the experst at Hills Dental Care, particularly during school exams, when people are under a lot of pressure. But this isn’t the only stress-related ailment – people tend to neglect both their health and their diet while under pressure, and will eat more sugary foods and smoke more frequently.

    Broadly, staying aware of your own mental state can be a huge lift in ensuring your long-term health is stable. Bear that in mind this year, and take care of yourself.

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